Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Technology is great.

Short and simple post today.

Last week I got a new phone (yay!). I had a blackberry, and have now upgraded myself to a probably-too-fancy-for-me Samsung Galaxy SIII. A) It's huge. but B) it's fantastic. I had gotten the blackberry just as the rest of the world became obsessed with their iPhones, so all of these touch screen easy to use apps are blowing my mind. And thanks to following some key Crohn's organizations on Twitter, today I read an article about the best apps for #Crohnies!

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I downloaded two of them for now: GI Monitor and Bathroom Scout. The bathroom scout will truly be tested only when I go somewhere other than work or home, so I'll keep you posted on how I enjoy that one, but so far after less than a day with the GI Monitor, I am feeling good about that app.

It's so hard to keep track of every little thing you eat and drink and try to put together what is upsetting you and what is not. The app allows you to input food, BMs, if you miss medications, and even your stress and pain levels and keeps a diary for you. It also has a social aspect of it which I have yet to explore, but I see a lot of people communicate through it to share their crohnie woes - always nice to have some venting outlets with those who truly understand.

Fingers crossed that this app will make me more of an organized crohnie, especially with my self control issues that I've mentioned, maybe it will cause me to buckle down on the bad stuff!

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